Put a chick in it, and make her gay.

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John Mcclane - DIE HARD

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Bond gets Woker with every film. In the last one, Bond spent the entire time apologising for being a White man, and saying he couldn't wait to be replaced by a black woman. He made bizarre heightist statements about his male boss becoming smaller, relative to the size of his desk (WTF?). The plot was standard wokeness (blame Ol Whitey for everything) where a White man created a virus that only targeted black people. Can't we just enjoy an action movie any more without having woke racism shoved in our faces? For me, Bond died in that movie and I no longer care about him.

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The pinnacle of modern masculinity is a character written by someone else??

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if you can’t laugh

while dying

you loose

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A case could be made that the current aspirational male figure is already Andrew Tate.

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To put it simply, James Bond was cool, but Andrew Tate is based.

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Perhaps Dogtanian and the Three Musketeers could be an inspiration for this new aspirational figure. He's part of a brotherhood and occupies a place on the cusp of profound change.

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